How Long Do Edibles High Last?
Cannabis products are widely accepted across Canada and beyond. Nowadays, people have different ways to enjoy it. One such exciting method is through cannabis-infused edibles. Various edibles such as rich chocolates and chewy gummies provide a unique experience that is different from vape pens or smoking. This comprehensive guide will help you understand everything about how long high from edibles last and what you can expect. Also, there are some important safety tips for you.
Understanding Edibles
Edibles are food items that have been infused with cannabis. They come in variety that can include cookies, Savory snacks, beverages, chocolates and gummies. They may have different cannabinoids. Primary ones are THC and CBD. While CBD can give you relaxation and therapeutic benefits, THC gets you high.
How do Edibles Work?
The process of edibles’ working is fascinating. When a person starts munching on an edible, the THC travels through digestive system. It then gets metabolized by a liver before it reaches bloodstream. Thus, the entire process through which CBD works is different from vaping or smoking. The cannabinoids are absorbed fast through the lungs. Interestingly, a liver transforms THC into a more potent from. This form is called 11-hydroxy THC. It can lead to stronger high. Hence, many people say that high from edibles feels absolutely unique. These highs are more intense.
How Soon can You Feel Effects?
The major difference between edibles and inhalation methods is how quickly a person can feel the effects. One can expect to start feeling effects between 30 minutes to 2 hours, after consuming an edible. Remember, this too may vary based on type of edibles, factors such as metabolism, gender, age and overall health and stomach contents. If you do not feel anything even after an hour of consuming cannabis, you need to resist your urge to eat more. It is advisable to wait at least another hour or two before you think of having a second dose. Patience is important to avoid unwanted side effects of edibles.
How Long does High Stay?
The high generally last anywhere from six to twelve hours. The most intense effects may begin around two to three hours after consumption. Many factors affect the duration of high such as:
- Higher THC doses can extend duration of your high. You can prepare for a longer ride if you have had a potent edible.
- Everybody’s tolerance level is unique. For regular users, high may not last longer. But for new comers, it does.
- The duration of high can also change based on how quickly one’s body processes THC.
One should take a note of the experiences he has with different edibles to find out what works best for you. Finding the right dosage is an equally important thing.
People who are new to edibles gummies can start with 2.5 to 5mg of THC. On the other side, those who want to have an average dose can have around 10 to 15 mg of THC; this is suitable for those who are familiar with cannabis. The high dose contains anything above 20 mg. For beginners, the high dose can lead to unwanted side effects. The best thing is to start low and go slow. This will give you the much-needed time to see how your body reacts to THC without overwhelming yourself.
Effects of Edibles
Indulging in THC-infused edibles can result in several effects; many of them are similar to smoking cannabis:
- Relaxation
- Euphoria
- Changed perception of time
- Increased appetite
- Heightened sensory perception
The intensity of these effects may vary based on the type of edible you have. Also, the amount of THC and individual tolerance level affect the intensity of effects.
Risks to be Considered
While cannabis edibles can be generally safe as long as you consume them in a responsible manner, there are some risks to be considered such as:
Over Consumption:
Do not eat more than you should to avoid uncomfortable symptoms such as paranoia, nausea and anxiety.
Side Effects:
Too much THC may cause rapid heart rate. In some cases, it may cause hallucinations and delirium.
Make sure you buy only quality edibles from regulated dispensaries like BudsAndBeyond. Their cannabis products have been tested for safety and quality.
Final Thought
Cannabis edibles serve as a fun way to experience the benefits of cannabis. It is important for you to understand how they work and what you can expect as effects. Having the right knowledge about these products will help you to enhance your cannabis experience. Begin with a small dose and be patient. You will enjoy the journey. Explore premium-quality cannabis products at BudsAndBeyond online!