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Robert Malave September 27, 2024

How to Use CBD for Hair Growth?

The thought that CBD may support your hair growth may appear to be intriguing. During recent years, CBD made its way into many personal care products, from oils and capsules to hair products. There is still research going on about how CBD helps in hair growth. But there are some exciting evidences that reveal CBD may have potential benefits for your hair.   

CBD interacts with the ECS, the endocannabinoid system. It is a complex network of receptors throughout the body. These receptors help regulate different functions such as digestion, sleep and mood. Cannabinoids such as CBD affect these receptors. Potentially, they affect hair follicles.

According to a 2023 study, some receptors in the ECS such as CB1 and TRPV1 were involved in the hair growth cycle. To put it in simple words, when the CB1 receptors are blocked, they can extend the length of hair shaft. On the other side, TRPV1 has a role to play in the hair follicle cycle. This clearly states that CBD may have some impact on the growth of hair, when it is applied on scalp.

Reversely, the effects of CBD on hair growth are not as easy and straightforward as they may appear to be. Research had indicated that the impact of CBD varies based on dose. The amount of CBD you use may determine whether it will promote hair growth or it will have an adverse effect. It may cause hair to stop growing in case of a higher dose.

In addition to promoting hair growth, CBD has many advantages for your hair and scalp. As we know, stress is one of the major contributors to hair loss. CBD, sometimes, helps to manage stress and anxiety level. However, there might not be enough research to confirm such effects.

As CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, it certainly influences skin health, including the scalp. CBD has its own anti-inflammatory properties that can help provide relief in conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Moreover, CBD may help regulate oil production on scalp. As per a study conducted in the year 2014, CBD can influence sebum production, that contributes to the improvement in scalp health.

Moreover, CBD oil is rich in vitamin E which promotes hair growth and reduces hair loss. According to a lab study, CBD could slow down hair loss which is triggered by testosterone treatments by balancing protein. It helps in keeping hair follicle structure intact.

While CBD may be considered safe, there could be some potential side effects such as drowsiness, sleepiness, changes in appetite, liver damage, mood swings, etc. Topical CBD products are less likely to cause such side effects. However, it is important that you monitor the way your body responds to CBD consumption.

You should speak with your healthcare provider to determine which CBD product is best for your hair type. Also, it is important to check product labels as every product is unique in terms of quality and concentration. Consider testing a small amount of product on a small patch of skin before you apply the same on your scalp. Make sure you follow application methods thoroughly.


In summary, CBD seems promising for hair health, there is still more research needed to fully understand the benefits of CBD and potential risks. If you are curious about trying CBD hair products, consult your doctor first, select products wisely, and keep a check on how your body reacts. Approach this use with informed caution.

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