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Erika Rhein August 18, 2022

What Is The Difference Between Medical And Non-medical Cannabis?

Many states have legalized cannabis so far, especially medical marijuana. There are some differences between medical and recreational cannabis, especially in terms of the costs, accessibility, a preference for cannabinoids, etc.


Both types of cannabis may come from the same plant, medical cannabis is usually used to relieve various symptoms or treat specific conditions, while recreational cannabis is used primarily for euphoric effects. One may require a medical document signed by an authorized healthcare professional to legally buy medical cannabis, depending on the state regulations. Anytime people consume cannabis for pleasure instead of medicinal benefits, they recreationally use cannabis. Medical cannabis products help to deal with anxiety, depression, chronic pain, eating disorders, epilepsy, muscle spasms, insomnia, etc. Besides, many people suffer from side effects of disease treatments; medical marijuana can provide great relief in this regard. Recreational cannabis, on the other side, is usually consumed for pleasure, enjoyment, intoxicating high, mental peace, satisfaction, and a sense of fulfillment.


Medical cannabis may go through a more controlled as well as stringent production process than its counterpart. However, today, many well-known online cannabis dispensaries have been specializing in offering a wide range of recreational cannabis products, which undergo rigorous testing and quality assurance. BudsAndBeyond is your one-stop solution. Such licensed services operate under strict regulations. There is a great level of accuracy and consistency in labeling.

Accessibility & Cost

As medical marijuana is legal in many states, it might be more accessible compared to its recreational counterpart. In addition to this, such products are distributed for medical purposes and therefore, they might be more affordable. Notably, taxes differ from state to state. Many states typically have reasonably heavy taxes on the use of weed by adults. It is interesting to learn that medical cannabis may have fewer taxes applied on its purchase. It is advisable to understand state regulations carefully before you buy one.


CBD to THC ratio is one of the biggest differences. Generally, medical marijuana strains may have lower THC levels and higher CBD level which is not psychoactive. CBD, however, offers medicinal benefits. However, THC and CBD content may not make cannabis recreational or medical innately.

Bottom Line

Thus, the difference is not too far apart at all; it usually comes down to the price, quality, and accessibility. Anyone who consumes it, whether medically or recreationally, needs to use it responsibly. Choose a trusted, well-known, and licensed online cannabis dispensary.

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