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admin June 16, 2021

What You Should Know About Vaping CBD?

With marijuana being legalized in several countries across the world in this past decade, more and more people have started using cannabidiol (CBD) products to help them cope with health issues such as anxiety, epilepsy, chronic pain, etc. 

One way people consume CBD is through vape pens or vaping devices that involve the inhalation of vapours produced when a CBD oil vape concentrate is heated. Vaping CBD oil has become extremely popular, especially among young adults. You can visit the Budsandbeyond website if you are looking to explore vape concentrates and similar products in Canada.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD is a compound extracted from the buds of the marijuana plant and is mostly marketed in liquid, oil form. It contains little to no traces of THC, which ensures that there is no resulting intoxication or psychoactive effects on consumption. 

CBD oil has grown in popularity since it is believed to offer several therapeutic benefits in treating various illnesses. The research into these claims, however, is not as conclusive and convincing as one would think.

Vaping CBD: What are the Risks and Benefits?

Since vaping involves the consumption of CBD oil or any other substance by inhaling vapours and smoke through a vape pen, the risks of vaping CBD are evident and undisputed. Several medical studies have linked vaping to lung illnesses, respiratory problems and even injury to the lungs. 

An additional risk is also posed by the fact that there exists little to no solid research on the long-term effects of vaping and how the chemical reactions that occur when CBD oil is heated in a vape pen may affect the health of the person inhaling the vapours. 

The benefits of vaping CBD oil are restricted to the same set of benefits that are claimed to result from the consumption of CBD oil orally. These benefits include relief from inflammation, chronic pain, anxiety and seizures. 

In Conclusion

There are often varying stances on the consumption of CBD oil through vape devices and the risks and benefits involved. However, the detrimental effects of vaping, in general, cannot be ignored and must be kept in mind irrespective of the substance being consumed. To avoid any health issues, you should buy such products from prominent stores like BudsandBeyond. The benefits of CBD oil may also be equally enjoyed by oral consumption, as is recommended by most medical experts, without having to deal with the ill effects of vaping.

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